Monday 13 May 2013

How to make your house a GREEN HOUSE?

“Big changes begin at home”

Starting with the same thought, we all are aware of the increasing global warming in the world around. A big change is what we require right now. Thinking that you are very small will never let us achieve great results. It is high time now blaming others, it is the time now to stand up and be the change you want to see!

We can do miracles if we determine. Here we are to give you few tips on how to start the change from your very own home.  You can bring benefits to your planet with small changes like recycling, changing the cleaning materials etc.

Make “Reduce- Reuse-Recycle” the mantra of your life. Let us see how:

1. Go green with your appliances: It is the time when you find less power consuming appliances in the market. So, changes your appliances for the good. Appliance use comprises about 18% of a typical home’s total energy bill, with the fridge at the top position. EPA suggests that if any of your appliances is more than 10 replace them with energy-efficient models that bear their "Energy Star" logo. It is unbelievably true that if just one in 10 homes used energy-efficient appliances, it would be equivalent to planting 1.7 million new acres of trees.

2.  Change the temperature: Go for energy efficient Air Conditioners.  Use your ACs wisely. Using a ceiling fan with your AC cools your room faster and for a longer period of time. Wear light clothing in summer so that the cooling affects faster, enabling you to cut down the AC use easily.

3. Save Water: Water saving does not need techniques but change in attitude is what is required. Using brooms, turning off the taps when not in use, using buckets to water plants are few of the changes that can bring miracles. With just turning the water off when you brush your teeth will save 4.5 gallons each time.

4. Save Paper: Hardly there would be a home where computer has not reached. Use devices to write and internet to share instead of wasting papers. Or choose wisely; go for 100% recycled paper. This will not only help in saving trees but will also keep more waste paper out of landfills.

5. Say NO TO PLASTIC: This is the best and the easiest step of all. Say No to Plastics and Yes to paper, cloth or jute bags. According to EPA, Unfortunately, plastics are made from petroleum — the processing and burning of which is considered one of the main contributors to global warming.

6. Green your Lights: Use CFLs!! Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs) use 66% less energy than a standard incandescent bulb and last up to 10 times longer.

7. Opt for Bamboo Flooring: Research suggests that Bamboo Flooring is the most environment friendly product. This is because of its high yield and the relatively fast rate at which it replenishes itself. It takes just four to six years for bamboo to mature, compared to 50-100 years for typical hardwoods.

It is high time now, let us get up and come in Action and save our planet.

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